Saying goodbye to fury friends is never easy. Our photo frames provides a way to remember them and the joy they gave us.
Saying goodbye to fury friends is never easy. Our photo frames provides a way to remember them and the joy they gave us.
Use our convenient photo template to upload photos of your fury family member. Adjust and position the size of the photos, print and place into the photo frame.
Kelso was a wonderful addition to our family. He brought so much happiness and pleasure to our family for 13 years,
Kfer was the king of the castle and brought so much affection to family and visitors to our home for 14 years.
Our Fury Friends will forever leave paw prints on our hearts.
Box 32008, Regina, SK S4N7L2, CA
wayne@timelessenterprises.ca Timeless Enterprises Ltd. warrant that products will be free from material and workmanship defects under normal use for 30 days. Does not cover wear & Tear and misuse. Defective items will be replaced or a credit issued